The program committee accepted the following contributions:
An Approach for Detecting Critical Adaptations in Automated Adaptive Software Systems
Shuji Morisaki
Department of Computing and Software Systems
Graduate School of Informatics,
Nagoya University
Norimitsu Kasai
Quality Assurance Department
Communication Systems Center
Mitsubishi Electric
Amgasaki, Hyogo
Adaptive System for Autonomous Driving
Franz Wotawa and Martin Zimmermann
Institute for Software Technology
Graz University of Technology
Formal Transaction Modeling and Verification for an Adaptable Web Service Orchestration
Sara Zatout, Maya Souilah Benabdelhafid and Mahmoud Boufaida
LIRE Labaratory
Constatnine II Universtity
Influence Maximization Algorithms Research Based on Big Graphs
Chuanchuan You and Guangquiang Zhang
Case Study: Adaptive Test Automation for Testing an Adaptive Hadoop Resource Manager
Benedikt Eberhardinger, Hella Ponsar, Gerald Siegert and Wolfgang Reif
Institute for Software and Systems Engineering
University of Augsburg