Call for Contributions

Among the verification and validation (V&V) strategies software testing methods are the ones most commonly used in industry. Software testing can be very effective both in revealing failures and assessing functional correctness, however, testing cannot provide evidence of the absence of faults. More rigorous and effective strategies to reason about correctness  range from model checking to model-based software testing methods. These V&V methods are typically applied at design time. Therefore, the assessment of system properties occurring during system execution for reassuring these system properties after adaption requires not only traditional V&V methods to be applied at runtime but also the adoption of novel ones to be applied in the various adaption phases. For example, the system may be adapted and reach a state that was unforeseen at design time, thus the system has not been verified for that state. Therefore, the following questions arise:

  • Which properties can be exclusively verified/tested at design time?
  • Which properties can be verified/tested at time of system configuration?
  • Which properties need to be verified/tested at runtime?
  • Which properties can be verified/tested either at design time, configuration time, or run-time?

Therefore, this workshop brings together academics and practitioners to exchange and discuss the latest synergies on adaptive systems as well as methods and techniques for V&V of these systems. We explicitly encourage participation of researchers from different communities that intersect with self-adaptive systems and their V&V. The workshop will be set in an informal and cooperative atmosphere with a specific format allotted to discussions. Beside of topical cross-fertilization, VVASS 2018 provides an excellent networking opportunity.

Pls. download the CfP in pdf format.